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Girls Gone Wise in a World Gone Wild, by Mary A. Kassian

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Girls have gone wild! And we're not just talking about someone from the romance novel or star from the latest hit movie. She's the girl next door, your best friend, or someone in your family.� She may even be you.
�That's because the longing, the thrill, and the fun is real. Very real.�
�Mary Kassian isn't naive�to that.� But she knows there's another side to it--the devastation and heartache being wild can bring. �Her insights from Proverbs on the differences between a saucy, seductive Wild Thing and a smart, biblically-savvy Wise Thing is a must read. Every minute you spend here will help you--or someone you love--replace the emptiness and guilt of being wild with the power of living out God's spectacular design for women.� �
�But be prepared.� This isn't your grandmother's handbook on etiquette.� It's God's Word powerfully unfolded by someone He's commissioned to speak the truth in love.� You'll be captivated, challenged, and impassioned to be far more than the world's model of the perfect woman.� You read this book and apply its principles and you'll become something your Heavenly Father and Friend has always intended you to be:� A Girl Gone Wise in a World Gone Wild.
- Sales Rank: #25498 in Books
- Brand: Moody Publishing
- Published on: 2010-04-01
- Released on: 2010-04-01
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 9.00" h x .59" w x 6.00" l, .85 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 272 pages
"Mary Kassian speaks with rare insight, clarity, directness, and grace as she challenges the prevailing winds of our culture. She paints portraits of two contrasting kinds of women and sets forth a vision that calls women out of their dysfunction, pain, and deception, to walk in the light of God’s redeeming truth and grace.� This book is extremely important, timely, and needed—I cannot think of any category of women (or men, for that matter) who could not benefit greatly from reading it and grappling with these critical issues. A “must-read” for women who desire to honor God with their lives and to influence others to do the same."� --Nancy Leigh DeMoss, author, teacher, and host of Revive Our Hearts radio program
"Girls today are growing up in a culture where “bad” has become the new “good.” The glamorization of bad behavior among young women has become the new norm and left in its wake a tremendous amount of fall-out and misery. Mary has penned a handbook for reversing the tide of the girls-gone-wild trend and replacing it with a new rank of girls-gone-wise. I can’t wait to recommend this book!" -- Vicki Courtney, best-selling author of Your Girl and 5 Conversations You Must Have With Your Daughter
"Many women today are eager for mentors. While a book is never a substitute for a real, live mentor, this one does connect women everywhere to the wise counsel of Mary Kassian. And we should heed her winsome, culturally relevant, and biblically sound words in Girls Gone Wise. This book provides an accurate gauge of the current feminine perspective in western culture and contrasts it with the eternal wisdom found in Scripture. Easy-to-read, humble, humorous, and thoroughly sound, Girls Gone Wise is a book both long-time believers and new converts will benefit from reading. Highly recommended!" -- Carolyn McCulley, author of Radical Womanhood: Feminine Faith in a Feminist World and Did I Kiss Marriage Goodbye?: Trusting God with a Hope Deferred
"This book sounds a clear and much-needed message regarding the ethics of biblical womanhood. Mary Kassian’s energy and passion make it a readable book. Her eye-opening contrast between the wise and the wild make it a convicting book. Her faithfulness to Scripture makes it a compelling book." -- Susan Hunt, author and consultant for Women's Ministries for the Presbyterian Church in America
"Girl's Gone Wise is a crucial message for such a time as this.� In a culture where true femininity is in danger of extinction, young women desperately to catch a vision for God's pattern.� Mary Kassian's relevant, practical, and Biblically based insights give today's young women a clear, inspiring blueprint for the only version of womanhood that truly fulfills - God's version." -- Eric and Leslie Ludy, bestselling authors of When God Writes Your Love Story
"Mary Kassian will help you navigate the over-exposure we experience everyday to messages that call us to be anything but what God created us to be as women. Her message will make you wise to that, and hungry to be what God intended. I think this would be a great book for moms to read with their teen girls. Though Mary navigates critical world view issues and strong theology, she does it with a conversational and contemporary note in her writing voice. You'll never realize how hard you're thinking. It'll be too much fun!" --Dannah Gresh, co-author of Lies Young Women Believe and founder of Pure Freedom Ministries
"So much of life is broken because our standards come from the world rather than from the Precepts of God’s Word.� Our young people are living in the rubble of destruction and need rescuing from the earthquake of the consequences of not building their lives on Truth.� Mary’s book Girls Gone Wise . . . in a World Gone Wild is a needed book for our times.� May it grab our attention and drive us to His Word where Mary will take us."� - Kay Arthur, CEO and co-founder Precept Ministries International, author of The Truth About Sex: What the World Won’t Tell You and What God Wants You To Know and Return to the�Garden: Embracing God’s Design for Sexuality
"Mary Kassian has done it again. With aplomb, grace, and wisdom, she sets the right course through some of the most treacherous and dangerous issues of our day. With just the right balance of truth and understanding, Mary calls girls and young women to a bold, strong, and biblical model of true womanhood — an understanding that honors God and shows the world a counter-revolutionary model of genuine womanhood. When Mary Kassian writes a book, women can count on sound advice and biblical wisdom from a gracious friend." - R. Albert Mohler, Jr., president, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
"This is a wonderful book with amazing insight into the hearts of women (and men!) who feel pressured by� today's "wild" culture -- and also deep, spiritual insight into the Bible's wisdom regarding the beauty of true womanhood as God created it to be."� -- Wayne Grudem, Ph.D., research professor of Theology and Biblical Studies, Phoenix Seminary
From the Back Cover
Back Cover
About the Author
MARY KASSIAN is an award winning author, internationally renowned speaker, and a distinguished professor at Southern Baptist Seminary. She has published several books and Bible studies, including The Feminist Mistake. A graduate from the faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine from the University of Alberta, Canada, Mary has also studied systematic theology at the doctoral level and taught courses at seminaries throughout North America.
Most helpful customer reviews
84 of 89 people found the following review helpful.
Timely Book Women Need to Read...
By Anne from Baltimore
Mary Kassian's book is a comparison of the woman gone wild in Proverbs 7 and the wise women of Proverbs 31 and other parts of the Bible. She looks at 20 character traits of the wild woman and what the traits of the wise woman would be.
Normally, I wouldn't have picked this book to read. The cover and title wouldn't have appealed to me. I review books and was sent a complimentary copy of this book. I trust that the Lord works in all things and so I began reading it. He has used this book in my life four times in the past week since I began reading it. I have been amazed at the timely reading of this book in my own life.
#1 The first day I read the first 50 pages of this book and puzzled as to why I was reading it. The chapters were about women having affairs and the temptation to be unfaithful. The next day a friend shared with me that she had been having an emotional affair with a man. God prepared my heart to hear her, not judge her, and have compassion. I encouraged her to flee temptation.
#2 A few days later during a small group discussion at my home, this book came up again. A conversation had been related in which a wife nit picked at what her husband said in front of his family. I related a story from this book. The story had hit me very hard. A woman wrote a letter to Ms. Kassian about how she treated her husband for 30 years. She bucked him at every turn and wouldn't go along with anything he said (her words). After 30 years, her husband left her for another woman. Two years later, she said that she would have been married for 32 years, but instead all she has to show for it is an empty house. The woman wanted young women to know the falsehood of what feminists have been teaching women. She was thankful that Ms. Kassian was speaking to young women to open their eyes and encourage them to love the Lord and submit to their husbands.
#3 The next morning, I turned on VH1 hoping to see some old 80s or 90s videos like Glee. No luck. Instead, there was a video that's very popular today. Oh, my goodness! I realized in that moment how sheltered my life is. I do not expose my eyes, heart, and mind to the things that were on that video. I realized that the content of that video is commonplace today. Women are inundated by sexual messages that are ungodly and full of sin.
#4 The last time this book came up was two days ago, when I heard about a popular Christian singer coming out. I grieved as she claimed that the translators have mistranslated the Bible (she inferred this on Larry King Live) and that homosexuality is not a sin. Many people commented on blogs that many churches and denominations have come to a fuller and deeper understanding of human sexuality--implying that homosexuality, affairs, and such are not sins. That isn't what the Bible says. It is clear. I read a sign in front of a church that says "don't re-write the Bible, just re-read it". Ms. Kassian is urging young women in this book not to be deceived by the world, but rather to look to the truth in God's Word about sex.
Affairs, sexual sins, homosexuality, lewd talk... our culture is filled with these things today. If we become desensitized to it, we can easily fall into these sins and not see what's wrong. Mary Kassian wants to sound an alarm and make young women aware of what they need to watch out for. She wants young women to guard their hearts and minds. She wants them to protect their relationships and not go down the slippery slope to sexual sin.
If you live in the world and are surrounded by this culture and are struggling to know what is right and wrong, please read this book! It will give you a strong defense and help strengthen your resolve not to give in to the temptations of the world to sin.
I was reminded in my heart of the phrase "But for the grace of God, there goes I" as I read the first 50 pages. I am not experiencing these temptations right now, but I was reminded how important it is that I continue to guard my heart and mind as well as the hearts and minds of my family.
Please note that I received a complimentary copy of this book for review by Moody Publishing.
45 of 47 people found the following review helpful.
Counter-cultural, even counter-evangelical culture
By L. Wiggins
Upon reading the title of Mary Kassian's new book Girls Gone Wise (In a World Gone Wild), my first thought was of the Joe Francis franchise, Girls Gone Wild. Perhaps you are familiar with the late night commercials: barely legal girls baring breasts, engaging in sexual activity in front of a camera to earn one of his t-shirts. The temptation to think that only those girls fall under the "wild" category is certainly present.
My second thought was that as long as I dress appropriately, speak sweetly, and mind my Southern graces, then I have no need to be concerned about becoming a wild woman. And, since I'm still in my early thirties, neither am I in danger of becoming a "cougar." Oh, yes, it is quite easy to distance myself, look down my nose, tsk-tsk, and "what-a-shame" them. Kassian, however, is quick to remind me that, "Although external appearance and sexual behavior certainly play a part in determining if a particular woman has or hasn't gone wild, the Bible teaches that there's a whole lot more involved than that. What's more, it teaches that Girl-Gone-Wild behavior isn't restricted to young single women. A woman can be a Girl-Gone-Wild at any stage of life...There is a measure of Girl-Gone-Wildness in all of us." (10-11)
Like our mother Eve before us, we are easily deceived by our hearts, our eyes, and our "wisdom." Rather than relying on God's Word for direction, we rely on ourselves to make good and right decisions. In the end, we suffer the painful consequences of our sin and stupidity. We suffer for a lack of biblical wisdom. We suffer because our hearts are not consumed by Jesus Christ.
How do you know if you're a girl-gone-wild or a girl-gone-wise? Consider a laundry detergent commercial: you can't really tell which old shirt is bright blue until you see it beside one that's never been worn. "Comparison magnif[ies] the difference," writes Kassian. Scripture offers us many points of comparison when we consider the differences between a wise woman and a wild woman. Kassian focuses on twenty.
The foundation text is the Proverbs 7 parable of the adulterous woman. But Kassian also brings in scripture from across the Old and New Testaments. She explains contexts and meanings before teaching how the truth can be applied to the lives of women living in 2010. In each chapter, Kassian demonstrates an understanding of the whole counsel of God's word and the ability to discern and apply truth. The first point of contrast is a perfect example of what I mean.
When writing about a woman's heart, Kassian begins with Proverbs 5:5-6, "Her feet go down to death; her steps follow the path to Sheol; she does not ponder the path of life; her ways wander, and she does not know it." Kassian goes on to make the connection between a woman's feet and the inclinations of her heart.
"The idiom `swept off her feet' indicates that there is a strong connection between a girl's heart and her feet. That connection is the first point of contrast between a Girl-Gone-Wild and a Girl-Gone-Wise. A wise woman gives the Lord Jesus Christ first place in her heart. Her feet follow the inclination of her heart, so she makes cautious, wise, godly decisions about her relationships with men."
She then contrasts that with the feet and heart of a wild woman: "A wild woman, on the other hand, does not have Christ at the center of her affections...Her relationship to Christ is peripheral, shoved off to the side somewhere."
But, as Kassian points out, the contrast is never that simple. She directs the reader to Proverbs 7 to show that even the wild woman has been to worship that day; the wild woman behaves one way at church to impress others, but in an altogether different way when she thinks no one at church is looking. "It's important to remember that although her steps wander, the Wild Thing of Proverbs is a very religious woman who moves in religious circles. Nowadays, you might find her at a youth group, on the worship team, in a Bible study, on a mission trip, or teaching Sunday school. She could be the leader of the women's ministry in your church. Or the speaker at your next women's retreat. She could be me. She could be you. On the surface, the Wild Thing does a lot of things right...She lives a religious life, but does not love Jesus wholeheartedly."
Kassian continues in the same way for 19 more chapters: contrasting the wild woman and the wise woman, all the while holding up the mirror of God's word to the self-described wise woman so she can see just how wild her heart will become apart from the grace of God.
Many chapters were difficult for me to read. Were it not for repeated reminders of God's grace demonstrated in the gospel, I would not have enjoyed reading nearly as much. Along with conviction came gospel comfort. After all, we aren't going to gain wisdom apart from a relationship with Jesus.
Speaking of Jesus, I would be remiss if I didn't mention how much I appreciate Kassian's handling of the gospel. I read a lot of books targeted for Christian women. Many, if not most of them, will include a token mention of the gospel: a page and a half (if that), ABC explanation followed by "Pray this short prayer and you're in the family of God." Blech! I counted two separate times in which Kassian explains the gospel, not as "by the way, here's what Jesus did for you," but within the context of the chapter. She begins with the holiness of God and ends with repentance and faith. Yes, she actually describes repentance. She even differentiates justification and sanctification. Folks, I just don't see much of that in books written by women for women, and I appreciate it when I do.
Whether you are teenager, in your twenties, thirties, forties or seventies, I am confident you will be challenged and convicted as you are made to consider whether your heart reflects the characteristics of a Wild Thing or a Wise Thing. Girls Gone Wise will help you grow in spiritual discernment, encourage you to reject the world's pattern for women and embrace God's perfect plan, and, finally, Kassian's desire is that you become "more biblically savvy and godly in the way you think and conduct yourself in your relationships with men." Moreover, I am confident that at many points you will exult in the goodness, mercy and grace of our God who delights to transform wild hearts into wise ones.
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Incredibly good book with amazing revelations
By Kelly Rivera Barrios
Life changing, eye opener. Incredibly good book with amazing revelations. If you never read anything else, read this.
See all 87 customer reviews...
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